Purchasing a vehicle
Before purchasing any vehicle, it is important to have an understanding of what you need. Based on what is important to you, whether it be the size, model, or price of the car, will determine what you look for when selecting a vehicle. Below is a link that can help you specify the type of vehicle you want to purchase, and where you can get them throughout New Jersey.
Required Items
- Driver’s license
- Proof of insurance
- Paperwork: All paperwork will be provided by the seller.
- Assigned Title: Includes names of buyer/seller, address, price, sale date, and buyer’s license number. Payment fee for titling ranges from $60-$110 in NJ
- To register a vehicle purchased outside of NJ, the Universal Title Application must be completed. https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/pdf/vehicles/OS-SS-UTA.pdf
- After purchasing a vehicle that fits all of your preferences and matches your set price point, you must register your vehicle at your MVC.
- Vehicle Registration Application: https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/pdf/vehicles/BA-49.pdf
- For more details and information on sales tax, visit https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/vehicles/preowntitle.htm if you are purchasing a pre-owned vehicle.